Long-Term Partnership Our unrivaled flexibility makes a big difference.
By the time we’ve proved ourselves via the initial test phase, our client, their customers, and ABNA are all typically in-sync relative to local communications, information flow, IT connections, and the overall management of both the portfolio and relationship. At this stage, all parties are ready to expand upon the relationship – and build greater results.

Once our client agrees that a clear and positive trend has been achieved via the ABNA partnership, long-term A/R planning can be initiated. At this stage we together outline a time line of objectives which support our clients goals. We then identify which ABNA resources can be applied and when. Focus upon the cash collection of extreme delinquency evolves to include focus upon further A/R and DSO reduction, regional A/R improvement, policy/procedure improvement, and even greater centralization and streamlining.

As our client relationships grow, so does the numerous ways in which we can deliver added value via our broad abilities. Straight cash collection improvement and delinquency reduction is our primary focus, however there exist many ways in which we can further improve any part of our clients worldwide A/R structure. This is why our clients stay with us for many years, as we’re a stable and reliable long-term partner. Not simply a short term problem fix like most outsourcing solutions.